We want to express our gratitude to all institutions that supported our work in 2015:
Public and private funders in 2015
The Foundation carries out with its work thanks to the support and the economic aid supplied by private donors and public and private institutions, who guarantee the progress of its projects in favor of disadvantaged social groups and people in those regions where the Foundation is present. If you would like to collaborate with the FPSC’s projects, you can make your donation at the following banks: Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura Banco Popular IBAN: ES37 0075 0114 2806 0034 5659 SWIFT: POPUESMM Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura BBVA IBAN: ES56 0182 2325 0100 1150 2021 SWIFT: BBVAESMM
*Pursuant to Law 49/2002 concerning the tax regime of non-pro it entities and tax incentives for patronage, donations made by natural and legal persons are tax-deductible.