READI, REDI and ESBAL networks
From the conception that cooperation is an associative and participative process, based on the limelight of the civil society, the work and support to the networks promoted by the FPSC: READI, REDI and ESBAL, has continued.
Red de ONG para el Desarrollo de Países del Este de Europa y Balcanes
campaign. In that way, the Cultural and Sport Association Almedina organized a sport and solidarity day in Almeria, with a street market of fruits and vegetables donated by agricultural collectives. Or the participation of 2,400 people from different countries in the FPSC Christmas Campaign #youarenotalone “Get your affection across during Christmas”, sending short videos wishing merry Christmas to the Christian families, used to edit an audiovisual document that was sent to Bagdad (Virgin Mary Refugee Camp), Syria and Kurdistan.
contents to the newsletter and to the “current” web section.
Anna Lindh Foundation
The FPSC has participated in the meetings and activities organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation: the General Assembly celebrated on 12th and 13th of November 2015 and the answering of questionnaires in order to determine the state of Education and Learning among the member entities of the network. Furthermore, the FPSC has also provided
DARE Forum: Workgroup of Education for Development and Awareness of CONCORD
As representative of the NGO Coordinator for Development-Spain (CONGDE), the FPSC has participated in two meetings of the Workgroup of Education for Development and Awareness (DARE Forum) of the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD), during May and October in Belgium.
of rural poverty for a new concept of development”, on the occasion of the Food World Day. From Spain in a meeting organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation about the review process of the Resolution 1325 (2000), Women, Peace and Security, in the framework of the participation of Spain in the United Nations Security Council as a non-permanent member in the biennium 2015-2016.