Financial Report
The financial performance in 2015 is in line with the Strategic Action Plan approved by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the period 2013-2016.
Resources obtained
In 2015, the resources obtained (grants received from public and private institutions as well as private donors) amount to €6,065,383.32. As for the source of the funds, 44.60% correspond to private funds, while 55.40% correspond to public funds.
4. Volunteering and social participation: 0.40% 5. Sociocultural activities: 3.60% 6. Others: 4.90%
International development cooperation Humanitarian aid. Education for development and awareness Cultural and educational cooperation Volunteering and social participation Sociocultural activities Others
3.60% 0.40%
Resource allocation
In application as described in Article 32 of the Regulation of the Foundations of State Competition, the Foundation has agreed to allocate resources in this exercise as spending and investments directly associated with the activities carried out in compliance of purposes amounting to €6,048,746.28 equivalent to 95.91% of the target base of income or accounting profit corrected in regulatory adjustments. According to the institutional goals, the allocation of resources was devoted in 2015 to the following areas: 1. International development cooperation: 43.82% 2. Humanitarian aid. Education for development and awareness: 20.22% 3. Cultural and educational cooperation: 27.07%
Geographic areas
Considering the work of the Foundation, in all its activity areas, the resource allocation based on the geographic areas has been distributed during 2015 in the following way: Yet another year, Asia is prominent as a priority intervention area, in which the continous work of the FPSC in the Middle East and the increase of humanitarian aid actions during the last years, as a consecuence of the Syrian conflict, give a greater visibility to this region.
7.30% 15.43%
Asia Africa
Latin America Europe